> Until now, I didn't know that headphones.com existed. My God, that's nuts. I
> thought it was extravagant to suggest Musician's Friend
> for headphone distribution amplifiers. It seemed like paying $69.00 for a
> 4-channel headphone amp was way too much. Then I saw
> their $11,900.00 headphone/amp combo and it put things in perspective. I
> thought the Empeg was expensive...

I bought one of their smaller amps, and which I am very happy with.
I don't think I would ever buy their so-called "High-End" stuff.

What's even scarier to me is that what they say on their web-site
about headphones being value for money compared to normal hifi
is absolutely true. I wandered into a hifi show in Montreal a year
or two ago, and the guys with their "stalls" (actually hotel rooms,
the show covered about 5 floors of a hotel) and they seemed to think
nothing of charging $25000 for an amp/speaker combo. Admittedly,
some of them sounded a lot better than anything I had heard before,
but that's incredible.

The absolute worst thing about hifi is the diminishing returns.
I was not convinced I could distinguish between two units that
were $10000 different in price. I left that show with my
head spinning for a number of different reasons.
