Also, often times (especially with i-net downloaded mp3's) there's alot of comments that I don't necessarily WANT to see.

That's why God gave us the Delete key:

"First, shalt thou open thine file in WinAmp. Then shalt thou press Alt-3, no more, no less. Alt-3 shalt be the number thou shalt press, and the number of the pressing shalt be Alt-3. Four shalt thou not press, neither press thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to Alt-3. Five is right out. Once the number Alt-3, being the third number, be pressed, then selectest thou thy comments field, and pressest thine Delete key on thou foe, who, being naught in my sight, shall snuff it."

(Sorry. Just got Holy Grail on DVD... Couldn't help myself...)

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris