What is your plan for the new shuffling?

I'd like to see something that shuffles on demand...or maybe Just In Time shuffling. Rather than pre-shuffling the playlist, have it pick the next song when the current song ends (or for the current/next view, pick the 3rd song out when the current one ends). The main benefit of this is that I could just put the empeg into shuffle mode, then if a song by "The Muffs" (totally rock!) comes on, and I want to hear another by them, I could navigate through to their albums, and append a couple of songs to the current playlist (which would be empty). Then when the current song ends, it will play my 2 picks, then continue with the random play.

As it is now, when I am listening to the empeg-wide shuffle, and I go select a couple of songs, I'll likely never hear them, since they get appended after a few hundred songs.