Maybe I'm not explaining this properly.

There are about 10 of us on here that I can see that are having a common problem.

When I first turn my player on and the Unit is in the range of 5 Deg C to about 24 Deg C, the dimmer function does not work correctly when it is adjusted. It doesn't matter if you use the buttons OR the volume knob. If your dimmer is set at say 50% and the brightness looks like 50% and you turn the brightness to 60% the dimmer may "look like its at 0% or 70 or whatever". Then say if you turn it to 70% it may look like its at 100%, when you turn it to 80% it may look like its at 80 percent, then when you turn it to 90, it may look like its at 0%. Then when you turn it to 100% it may "look like its at 100% or look like its at 50% or whatever. My point is, and I'm not using the volume knob to adjust it, if you turn the dimmer up higher, the brightness of the display may acutally go DOWN OR UP. The dimmer doesnt adjust properly until the unit is over 26 Degrees. Would it help if I made a video of this and mailed it to somebody. This is really frustrating the hell out of me. I can show you on video tape what is happening at what temperatures.

By the way. When the temperature is at 4-24 degrees, and the dimmer is set to 100% and you keep pressing the "right arrow button, the dimmer will vary in brightness (looks like it changes from about 50% brightness to about 110% brightness) EVEN though it keeps saying 100%
When the temp is 24-35 degrees, and the dimmer is set to 100 percent and you keep pressing the right arrow button, the dimmer stays at 100 percent brightness and does not change. It is rock steady.....