Hey, I ain't smoking anything. All I said is that I liked SOME things on the N64 controller.
Think about it this way. I like the old school SF2 on SNES. I liked the arcade layout that some of the SNES controllers had. Very simple with the same number of buttons.
All I said was that it would be nice if the A and B buttons were the same size. I can see the advantage it would have otherwise on some games, but I still don't think you would have trouble finding one of TWO buttons.
Ah, but there should be at least one or two buttons which fit that description on the controller. You need to have buttons that are hard to press accidentally, but which you still don't have a lot of trouble remembering how to reach them.
Now that's smokin' something

You say that some buttons SHOULD be hard to press? That's pretty dumb if you ask me, especially if he finds the Z button hard to press. That's an important button! I'm sure you must be talking about only about buttons like the digital/analog button on the PS controllers (which I totally agree with).
I think what it comes down to is that people have different shaped hands. Maybe loren's hands are shaped differently and finds the Z button hard to press. My hands fit the N64 controller pretty well. Many people complained about its ergonomics, but the real problem it had was that the left side of it never got used.
Don't get me wrong, I AGREE with you that the cube's controller is great! I just said ONE thing about it was a little off
for me. geez