Regarding Rob's post about solder paste, in the UK the stuff
here is what you need (ok, there's probably enough in the 25g syringe to upgrade
every Empeg ever shipped).
It's known as solder cream and (arguably) will work well with indirect heat from a soldering iron, essentially you probably won't make direct physical contact with the Resistor Pak or PCB tracks (which is a good thing

) - you just hold the tip of the iron as close as you need until the solder flows
around the joints. None of this is anything you should practice with a near priceless EOL display PCB though. If you're not sure if you're up to it then resolder the VCR a few times until you're good at it

Regarding the heat guns mentioned, for general workshop low pin-count repairs a hot air gun is perfectly adequate (and preferable to a soldering iron for this type of work) but I'm talking about something with a nozzle diameter of 2mm rather than something resembling a paint stripping tool - not the kind of thing many of us keep at home.