OK, well, not exactly, but sort of.
This requires six button presses, including one long one. This could be very hazardous while driving. I want a single button press to play the next playlist.
Also, it seems odd that the player stops playing at the end of each playlist, instead of continuing with the next one. Does a CD changer stop playing at the end of each CD? Of course not - that would make the whole thing useless.
It seems that the only way for this to play continuously is to play the entire contents of the drive as one playlist, which makes it impossible to go from one artist to the next without forwarding past each song. If you happen to be listening to the Beatles at the moment, you're doomed.
I don't want the player to stop playing until I turn it off, and I want to be able to go to the next artist with a single button press, otherwise this thing is pretty much useless to me.
I know that sounds harsh, but I'm talking about something that CD changers have done for years, and is only a result of the way the unit is programmed.
I did try programming a macro to accomplish this, but it only works sometimes. Not a good thing when you're driving in the Rockies or in New York City!
This is my macro, using the tuner button on the remote:
The problem is that the time the bottom.L is held for may or may not be long enough for the player to come up with the last playlist selected, in which case the macro proceeds to put the unit into random mode instead.
I am hoping that there is a solution to this problem - maybe I'm missing something.
I am totally amazed with this stereo in every other regard. The story of Hugo deciding to design his own stereo is amazing, and one that will play anything you could ever want to listen to at a moments notice even more amazing. But it shouldn't stop playing until it's done!
Sorry for being long winded, but this is very important to me.
Thanks for your time and help - and thank you Hugo, Empeg, Rio, Mark, Tony, etc... - fine job!