I think that there's a certain degree of confusion here. Playlists are _always_ sorted by position.
The "Set Playlist Order" button in emplode simply makes sure that the position ordering agrees with whichever field you select. It's a one-shot deal: the positions are altered, and that's it. What's wanted is a way of automatically pressing that button when you import files, for each of the playlists that they were imported into.
The question boils down to: What to do to a playlist once tracks have been added to it?
emplode currently imports tracks in filename order. It's unlikely to be changed.
The correct answer, as I keep saying (though not in this thread), is proper scripting in emplode. In this way, you can define a routine (in VBScript or whatever) that is called whenever a new item is added to a playlist.
You'd implement this routine to reorder the playlist however you'd prefer. Obviously, we'd provide a default implementation that ordered by track number or filename. You might even be able to define this function on a per-playlist basis. Wouldn't that be fun?