Yet again, I have a little challenge.

As you may have seen, I don't like frames. I like having only one page on screen. For this reason I end up wanting to do things that would be quite simple with frames and needlessly hard without

redbutt2's help with my college band's page was fantastic. it was exactly what I needed. So here's another one for him or anyone to answer. I'm not sure if this is possible anyway.

Say I have a menu. From time to time the menu might change. If that menu is on all of my pages, changing one link would require editing every instance of it on each menu. Or maybe I want to add a section to the site. Same thing.

Is there an easier way? Can something like this be simplified? CSS makes stuff like this easy by providing one file to control all attributes. Is there a way to load HTML into a page from an external location? (this is where I start talking about stuff I know nothing about, this is all stuff I'm dreaming up ).

I hope I'm making this clear. I'll try to clear up the confusion if there is any.
