A new domestic partner is clearly indicated, preferably one that's a confirmed gadget freak

Be warned that there are problems asscociated with the 'Geek' module in Girlfriend 2.0. The problems don't manifest themselves in Girlfriend 2.0 itself, but in the surrounding environment.

Problems reported by users include;
"Tivo reports frequent scheduling clashes."
"Win32 desktop becoming cluttered for no apparant reason." (Confirmed on all Win32 variants)
"'QuickSave' function in RTCW games loses position." (Also reported in various other games)
"Function Use_Computer() failing - returns ERROR_BUSY"
"My Empeg's disk capacity is disappearing."
"Random music appearing on my Empeg"
"My Empeg keeps disappearing."

Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.