i sorta don't agre with tony on this one.. well i do agree, but i have one differentation to make. You have to make sure you mids meet with your subs, crossover wise... but the whole theory of them being in the rear is not accurate in my eyes. The goal of a well balanced system is that everything sounds like it is coming from the front. , using rear speakers to pick up mid and ront speaker to extend to highs won't get you there, most of the time, imho.

also, you can wire subs in mixed mono additionally, not that it is that popular in non competition cars.

You may also want to state a budget and maybe some of us can guide you towards certain good amps.. yes, everyone has opinions, but for example, ppi and xtant are both considered pretty good general consumer amps, whereas that earthquake 1000 isn't

Edited by rockstar (03/04/2002 18:21)