There has been alot of good things said in this quote but I have to take issue here.
In reply to:

A higher power speaker can reproduce a signal more accurately.
think of a the sound of the song you are hearing
as you look at the spaker move in and out.
notice how it moves in an out to create the sound you hear.
A higher powered speaker tends to be more accurate.....

There really is no direct correlation between speaker power and sound quality. For instance sennheiser headphones have a small speaker that puts out 12Hz to 38kHz +-3dB crystal clear. The headphones when worn on the head are generally considered to sound similar to $10,000 speakers. The downside being the can only put out a few tenths of a Watt. Accordingly they need to be a few inches from your ear to sound good.

In actuallity it is harder to make higher powered speaker that can deliver clean sound. This is because the cone of the speaker has to travel farther and the driving mechanism (voice coil) has to be linear over a longer distance. This also adds mass to the driver which further complicates design.

Also somone earlier said P=IIR so if R goes up so should P. The problem with this is that a car amplifier forces an output volage and I=V/R. So Power out as a function of V and R using the above P=IIR is P=V/R * V/R *R or P=VV/R. Power goes down with increasing R.

Eric Fesler
BSEE (power electronics)

This is