First of all, I thought that those compact flash readers required driver software support. I didn't think you could just plug one in.

Next thing:

Even if you can get the thing to read, there is no advantage to using a compact flash card as the second hard disk because the empeg's software does not support removable drives.

For instance, the player stores its FIDs pretty much will-nilly on the drives and you cannot control which songs go where. You cannot load new tunes by dropping them on a CF card and inserting it. The player software simply doesn't support this method of operation and certain features of its design (because it assumes the second drive is a fixed disk and it will attempt to use it as such) will thwart any of your attempts to do this.

Also, you said you had it FAT-formatted. This will not work for the player. You -must- run the builder image on any new disk or else it will not have the right partitions.
Tony Fabris