Pah, my motherboard doesn't care about bits of tape, it allows me to OC it anyway...

Mine was supposed to, but it wouldn't allow me to adjust the FSB speed independently of the clock speed, so I had to settle for the tape. It was funny, I spent a few days fiddling with the motherboard settings, afraid to do the B21 tape, thinking that the tape was a dangerous last-ditch effort. Actually, it was amazing how when I finally caved in and said, "what the hell, I'll try the tape", everything suddenly started working magically. I wonder if the Intel engineers kicked themselves for allowing the design to be hacked so easily?

For those who are reading this and don't know what the hell we're talking about (I've already received one private e-mail asking about the B21 tape), click here for the quintessential article on the subject at Tom's Hardware. This article is the one everyone referred back to when overclocking their celeron 300a's.

I got your startup and shutdown screens a while a go, freaked my mate out, 'cause he thought the computer had overheated...

Too cool. I love it. Glad you liked the screens. I was pretty proud of how I used the color-cycling to make the chip glow.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris