I have installed this module in my player and it works great, I don't see any problems with a second hard drive...

I just have one comment for people who are doing this themselves (it is realllllllllly worth paying to have it done). If you think this is a "soldering project", think again. It takes about 7 minutes to actually solder the wiring inside your player. It takes about 2 and a half hours to cut the case and install the connectors (My dad helped me and he does this kind of thing for a living).

I see that eutronix is offering installation of the product for $99.99 or $124.99. If you don't have a dremel tool and a square file, or don't have patience, make sure you let them install it.

I think it is a great product and I love it, but if you are not capable of drilling and filing and cleaning out your housing once you have drilled and filed it ( i used a painbrush and an air comperssor), DONT INSTALL THIS YOURSELF. It is hard to do.