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Depends on the drivers. 3Com's won't talk to each other, they only talk to AP's.
That's the impression that I got.. I actually read a pcworld article that said that lucent and cisco's offering could speak with each other, but that 3com's couldn't speak with each other at this point - i'm really hoping this is a software issue and will be resolved at a later time - If so, I'd spring for a PCI card at my office just so I don't have to switch my damn notebooks' pccard between home and office (it only has one slot..)
I actually just signed up the for the 3com evaluation pack - free trial of their access point along w/ 3 pc cards for 45 days, no charges if you return it within the 45 days.. (more details here) I really wanted to see what the range difference would be between the cheaper apple airport, and something more expensive - so I'll let everyone know as I find out..
I'm hoping the apple airport/3com pc card will be sitting at my house when I get home today, although I doubt it - still hasnt' confirmed the shipment:(
...proud to have owned one of the first Mark I units