I loved the X-Men movie, but thought it was a completely different animal. The cheesy parts of X-Men were intentionally tongue-in-cheek, but every hint of emotion in the Spiderman movie was just plain dumb and laugh-inducing.

What's more, everything in the X-Men movie looked good when not in action. Did you see the size of that Green Goblin mask? It's huge!

I also had one question about the Spiderman movie that I can't for the life of me figure out: where in God's name did he get his costume?? At one point he has a spray-painted hooded sweatshirt and sweatpants, the next he has a fully textured body suit? That kid has sewing skills, and I'm not talking webs!

*edit* Although, in the realm of superhero movies, Spiderman doesn't do all that bad. There are very few that I consider to be any good, including it, the X-Men, and the Shadow. I'm totally psyched that they're planning a Ghost Rider movie. I can't imagine the fire special effects they're going to need.

Edited by DiGNAN17 (05/05/2002 11:43)