My complaints weren't really with the acting. Tobey was fine, and Willem Dafoe is cool, and Dunst was good. Everyone was fine, but the lines they had to say. Terrible. They were all wrong. Completely devoid of normal human expression.

Like I said, everything in the action scenes were just fine. This includes the glider, the bombs, and even the head of the Green Goblin. It looked much more natural in the action scenes than anywhere else. Just think about the scene where the GG has taken spidey to the rooftop after he paralyzed him. He looks far too fake that entire scene. He looked more real in the action scenes when he was computer generated!

I think Sam Raimi is great! I love the stuff he's done. I don't think he was all that great for this movie, though. I guess I liked most of the stuff he did, though.

I don't know, I just hope the second one flows better.