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To me that's just as bad as the standard hollywood car that will spontaneously explode with the force of a 1000 lb bomb if you accidently touch it wrong.

Or what about the badguys that are such terrible marksmen that they can't collectively hit one guy with their automatic rifles. Then the good guy is able to pick them off one by one with his pistol.

Or what about the fighting tactics the badguys use when they try to beat up a goodguy? They outnumber the goodguy 12 to 1, yet they all patiently wait in a circle for their turn to get their ass kicked by the goodguy one at a time.

What about the mini-van that squeals it's tires without peeling out? Is that supposed to be a loose belt?

Why do cops always have to hit the emergency brake when pulling up to a crime scene, effectively locking up the back wheels and doing a neat little slide?

How can a car fly 30 ft in the air and land without being totalled?

Why does the goodguy always get laid right after/before the climax of the movie?