
Yes, I also heard the Technical Support is pretty bad...and so on, well what I know is that the second generation is a better product (I understand you had (have) a 1st Gen product). The problem is that we are not comparing same price products (originally) don't forget that the reail price of the empeg was not the $350 or whatever many of you paid for it, it is a $1500 product! comparing to $400 Neo (almost 4 times more). I'm not trying here to defend the Neo company. In the other posting here with the titel "I want to bring the empeg back", or so it seems clear what a big problem is to build a "decent" empeg under $1500. There is any other solution for that price on the market!
Display is bad, well anything looks bad comparing with the empeg even expensive headunits. Software may be not the best and Support not good...well you won't find such a good support as for the empeg in very few products (you guys are really good!)

But what a hell do you want for $400?....the Phantombox is not better solution, also bad support, absolut propietary discs, propietary software, you need a head unit! and $800?...well no thank you

Any other ideas?

Thanks / Gracias Mario The Spanish guy living in Ireland Homepage: www.livemyadventure.com