If you go to Home Depot (assuming you live in the states) there is something there called "omnicable" I think. It is roughly an inch thick and has 20 pairs of conductors that are equivilent to five CAT5 runs, (you can use it for phones, faxes, low power speakers, ethernet, serial conx ect), as well as two pair for Fiber optics, and I think three RG6-U QuadSheild coax cable. RG6-U is gigabit rated so it is ideal for broadband (cable) and Satellite TV.

It is a little pricey per foot BUT it is well worth it in the long run. Unless you install conduit once the house is built it will be next to impossible to add cable of any type later. Even if you don't plan on using ANY of what it has, run it anyway. You have no idea what is around the corner technology wise. Run the wire and let it hang inside an outlet or something. Ideally invest in a good 16port SWITCH and do all the connectorizing yourself you can get the tools and the connectors for $40 tops. The switch is gonna be pricey but well worth it if you get any kind of broadband. Consider having a dedicated server too. There are loads of advantages. You don't need a keyboard or monitor there are loads of remote admin stuff. Depending on how much money you have to spend there are millions of things you could do in the area of home automation. When I build my house, I plan on going all out on this stuff. I am in an apartment now and I have wireless and it is convienent, but there are serious drawbacks. For now bandwidth is an issue, range and interferance is an issue. I hope that these things get resolved but I am still running Omnicable even if wireless realizes it's potential.

Build a man a fire-keep him warm for an evening-set him on fire-he is warm for the rest of his life.