Yesterday I did an interview about the mp3mobile & empeg-car with Radio 4's You & Yours programme - who were asking why, given that car mp3 players have been around a while now, nobody knows about them and instead everyone is still struggling to get their iPods to work in-car.
Not sure when it'll be broadcast, but they said sometime in the next couple of weeks. You can listen to previous features at<cynic>
I have absolutely no idea what I ended up saying, but it's probably largely irrelevant as they'll edit it to fit their angle anyway
The researcher contacted pretty much everyone, from most of Rio UK through to Patrick and even Franc Buxton (who did the mp3mobile metalwork) before getting hold of me. I think, just maybe, my spam filters are a little over-zealous...
Yay! Mainstream publicity! Pity it's 6 years late, but I guess it's still better late than never