Please see wish 4 on my list of top 3 wishes for background.

The attached utility modifies the player executable to implement this functionality exactly as suggested in the above post: browse the tree and enter a playlist as usual. When the triangle is highlighted, pressing the knob will append this playlist after the current one. Pressing the bottom button replaces the current playlist as before. Appending individual tracks works the same way.

Installation and usage instructions are the same as with my earlier menusort hack (except this time I've zipped it to avoid download problems - uncompress before sending to the empeg). Note that knobappend is a lot more invasive than menusort and will only work on the version of the player I developed it on - 1.03 mk2 developer.

Before people ask how - it involved reading a lot of assembly code, taking many register dumps at various points of execution of the player via a kernel hack and, in the final stretch, entering machine code into a hex editor. All very messy stuff that I'm not looking forward to doing again when 2.0 comes out...

Anyway, enjoy.


Attachments (14 downloads)