I've moved to a new apartment, and would like to get my stereo cabinet connected to the network. Running cables to the third floor (where the equipment is) isn't reasonable, so I'm looking at wireless solutions.

I already have a (netgear) 802.11b access point on the second floor, that is used to connect to the network by my girlfriend's iMac (with airport card) and my laptop (with silver orinoco card). This is plugged into the net (cablemodem) via a linux firewall.

I have a linux PC, rio receiver, empeg, and tivo upstairs that I want to connect into the downstairs network. Can I just buy another access point and plug that into an ethernet hub? Will the AP bridge to the AP downstairs, while stlil allowing other 802.11b clients (the laptop and iMac) to connect?

Other suggestions? Thanks (tons) for your help...


P.S. My original plan was to put both an ethernet card and a wireless card in the PC upstairs (and have it route between the two networks), but a bug in my bios irq routing seems to keep me from getting the orinoco card working with SMP....