Any idea what's holding the brick to the wall? (I'm thinking of that hammock that pulled a brick column down and killed a kid a few years ago.)
Naturally that's my biggest concern. This is a ~96 pound TV and I don't want it falling on anyone. I honestly don't know. In general it's a good sign that it isn't just brick veneer so there should be a decent amount of structural integrity. The fireplace is around 30 years old at least, so I don't know how it's holding up, but it sounds like they haven't used it as a fireplace in ages.
My best guess is that it's up against plywood. I'm tempted to drill a small hole all the way through and see if I can get out the other side. Then I could use my old friend the snap toggle and I'd feel a lot more comfortable.
Can you (tastefully) drop something from the structural support above the ceiling?
I like the idea of this, but all the ceiling mounts I'm looking at seem to anticipate a much larger support beam to hang from. They seem to attach to the ceiling with at least a 5"x6" plate. I guess I could just put lag bolts through two holes on one side of the plate into the joist and the other two into drywall anchors or toggle bolts, but I don't know about that. I'd also need to check which way the ceiling joists run.
Are you allowed to remove those outcroppings?
I didn't ask that but I'm not sure. I don't think that sort of masonry work is really in my wheelhouse though...
Any reason why you aren't considering a metal sleeve anchor made for masonry?
I haven't used those before and haven't had any trouble. When going through the mortar, the plastic ones do a good job of pushing against the neighboring bricks and really hold in there. As long as the hole is drilled right and then cleaned out, it holds really well. Sometimes I'll use some adhesive.
If it were my place, I'd take out the mortar around those outcroppings and ideally clean up and re-use the same brick to fill the space.
I like the idea, and I can suggest this option. I'll recommend someone actually equipped for masonry though

I know it's not super tough but still..
Alternatively, if modifying the brick isn't an option, I'd make spacer block[s] out of wood and bolt them to the wall with the aforementioned sleeve anchors or metal anchors and lag bolts. Countersink the bolt heads with a spade bit so it doesn't interfere with your mount. Then lag the tv mount to the spacer[s]. You'd want the thickness of your spacer to be the length of the outcropping, less the depth of your mounting bracket, plus half an inch or so for clearance. Looks to me like a couple pieces of 4x4, mounted vertically would do the trick.
Elaborate! Very nice

I guess I'd need some pretty long lag bolts for that plan, but it's a possibility.