Hi all,
I'm getting seriously into mountain biking recently, but I'm quite good at getting lost (very very lost). As a result I'm thinking of getting a GPS to aid my ability to get un-lost (!).
However, I'd really like a product that could show Ordanance Survey maps (1:50,000 ideally), because I'm mostly off-road using footpaths, bridleways and rights-of-way rather than roads (pesky cars).
Looking at the products that are out there, they all appear to use vector maps of roads etc, rather than more useful maps - is that true?
I'm generally cycling in a 50mile radius of home, so I don't need a massive map capability - just the local area, and the ability to load maps if I take the bike on the car somewhere else.
Does such a product exist? I'm doing a n umber of searches on Google and so-on, but I know that a number of people on here are into geo-caching and so on, as well as biking, so thought you might know or have some useful advice.
Thanks a lot!
Paul Haigh, Reg. 4120
(mk1) 6GB, Blue, 00254
(mk2) 12GB, Red, 00357