Hi all,
A couple of months ago, our baby daughter was born. I made some nice photo's during the birth, but had forgotten than I has set the camera (a Canon Ixus 6 megapixel) to it's lowest setting (half a megapixel, 640 * 480) a couple of days before because I wanted to take some pics then that needed to end up on some internet forum (so I needed low res pics). Stupidly enough, I never set the camera back to the original 6MP setting. I could could kick myself for being this careless, because the result is now all those nice pics were taken at the lowest quality setting of course. This is too low even for most photo book software to accept the photo as "good enough", so we can't even use them in a photo book.

Now, I know the chance is slim, but I figured I'd ask anyway: is there software out there that can blow up these pics, if only a tiny bit (double the size would be great!), so we could use them for a photo book? Of course, they should be enlarged *without* any quality loss... I know I can easily enlarge them the normal way with photo editing software, but that would result in blocky photos... not really what I'm after.
So... is there software out there that could do this for me, by using some type of intepolation algorithm? (preferably free software?
