After many years of use, my Microsoft model 1008 optical wireless mouse is giving trouble. I think a return spring for the scroll wheel may have broken, because unless I am very careful normal scrolling ends up "clicking" the wheel as a button press, causing it to do things I don't want.

I want a nice, simple, rugged mouse without bells and whistles. All I want is a left button, a right button, and a scroll wheel. I don't need the scroll wheel to "click" as a button when depressed, I don't need it to tilt for sideways scrolling, I don't need extra buttons on the side (or anywhere else) that can be programmed to do different things.

I do want it to be optical and cordless with a three-foot range. Some semblance of ergonomics would be nice. i.e., not a tiny little "travel" mouse.

Of course I'd also like it to cost less than $10, including free delivery in person by a factory technician who will set it up for me and instruct me in its use... but I guess I can't have everything, can I? smile


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"