I am looking with great interest to the A2DP v. 1.4 which will support music collection browsing, and I am realizing I have questions which the Empeg community surely can help me with smile

1. Would I be correct in assuming that a smartphone audio output on BT via the A2DP protocol is in fact a audio bit-stream, decoded from MP3/WMA/AAC/Whatever into a... PCM audio stream (+metadata info), I guess? Or, maybe, in some other format? So, would I be correct in assuming that the receiving device, be it a Parrot Asteroid for example, would then do the DAC part?

2. Also, since BT communication is digital, would I be correct in assuming that Bluetooth headsets include a DAC internally?

Thank you!

p.s.: Incidentally, for some reason, I am (positively) surprised that a DAC can be fit into small headsets, considering the good audio quality they seem to have. I am more thinking of Logiech USB wireless (non BT) headsets which I recently bought to use with a Cisco IP Communicator on my laptop; I was not looking fro audio quality, but just for some device which could deliver some build quality to last; but I was blown away by how well they sound. The USB dongle is quite small, so even if the DAC is there, I am amazed. smile

P.P.S.: Sorry for posting in General section. This clearly belongs to Off Topic. Drakino, feel free to move it there, if possible.

Edited by Taym (28/08/2012 00:24)
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg