So, again a question for the photographers in here.

What software would you recommend to create a time-lapse video from a sequence of shots from a DSLR?

Today for the first time a tried to create a time-lapse video (it is here - just a test, really poor stuff):

I made a quick research to find out what people where using, and gave it a try with:

GoPro Cineform Studio (which does not seem to allow adding music)
Gromada Videomatch.

No particular reason to use them, other than to experiment with something free.

But, I thought I could get a much better insight from the EmpegBBS and, mostly, start a fun thread as usual smile

Time Laps videos can be shockingly beautiful, and I'd be not surprised if somebody here made some jaw-dropping video smile
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg