A few weeks ago, a whole handful of problems surfaced with my player. I'm feeling that I need to get send it somewhere for service, but maybe you could help me troubleshoot a bit so that whomever ends up repairing it will have some idea where to start?

RioCar w. 60+80GB drives, latest HiJack, 2.00Final.

a) The first sign of trouble was a very rare, very seldom "No Hard Disk Found" message on the player. I think this happened on very cold mornings. Usually, letting the player sit a bit while the car was warming up fixed it. Yet, it was so seldom that I don't know if that was a "fix" or not.

b) Even more rare, the audio would seem to "shift" off center to one speaker or another. This got VERY common a few weeks ago. Audio would come from both channels, but not at the same volume. I've checked all wiring to and from the amp, but that didn't seem to fix it. Then one day it stopped. Maybe the amp is going?

c) Again, rare. The audio from the player can get "garbled" up and sound currupt. I'm thinking loose cable, bad cable or dry solder?

d) The Low Voltage icon comes on all the time. Also, I rarely have the player reboot itself. Usually when the defrost is on. I do have one of those "Power Pullies" on my car that diverts some energy away from the alternator. I had this problem before installing the pulley, but I'm thinking that it certainly isn't helping. Planning on taking that off very soon. Could running the player under "Low Voltage" burn something out?

e) The alternator whine that I finally eliminated last fall by replacing the amp is back all of a sudden. It first started to rear its head on only rainy days, but now it is constant. I'll have to check all my wiring again to see if a connection is loose. Maybe this too is due to the amp? On top of the whine, I can hear "data like" noise when the car is off and the drives are being read.

f) Today the player booted to the static logo and got stuck like 4 boots in a row. (I've only seen this before with a loose jumper on the drive). A few hours later, the player booted up with a "Player Preferences (or Info?) Lost" message. All my settings were gone such as fader, volume, etc. Last played FID was still okay.

The player seems to run okay on the power adapter in-home. Could this all be due to a dry solder connection and a ground that has worked its way loose in car? Is low voltage killing my player?
Brad B.