Okay. here is the deal. Whenever I search for an album (by source) and select it (with replace mode), it plays in reverse order from when I select it from the playlist.

Example: I wanted to hear Orb Live 93 disc B.
Search by source for Live 93 B, replace current playlist.
First song in playlist is AHEGPB..., which is the last song on the disc. The rest of the playlist is in reverse order.

Immediately I goto to Playlists->Artists->The Orb->Live 93 B
First song is in playlist Valley, first song on the disc. The playlist is in correct order.

At the same time (I think unrelated) some songs don't start playing or crackling static. I think this what other people saw before.

I tried this with a couple other albums, all show this problem. I'm running 2.0b7 and Hijack v114.
