Hi folks,

after a year of absence from the board i'm back again.
A lot of work and some health-problems prevented me from visiting one of my favourite places to be... here.
Things get sorted out, and i did my best to come to Amersfoort, which was again a marvellous meet with very much fun. Thanks to Rob S. for believing in this community and organizing this great happening again and again.

Well, a year ago i told you that i had bought Tim's newface stuff and want to do it now. Except from his first newface-prototype and some buttons i didn't get anything else from him concerning the newface. CAD-files never existed and the CNC-Program which he promised me never came along.
So i decided to make a newface 2nd edition from scratch with changing the things i didn't liked so much on Tim's design. A good friend of mine, who did the real work, told me, whats easy and whats not. So we developed the thing you can see on the pic.
It was very important to me to offer a matching handle. But this is in fact what it makes really tricky. The handle involves a lot of hand-work and isn't easy to machine. A handle made from aluminium has to be thicker than the original, so it won't bend pulling or carrying the player. So the whole fascia is now thicker than the original or Tim's design. But i like it. It looks powerful and strong that way. The only thing, i'll have to get some of the longer Farnell-buttons, cause the middle length is a little to short.

Those of you who were in Amersfoort have seen the player. The prototype is unfinished, the handle has two mistakes, but those will soon be corrected. I had to push my friend very hard to the limit to provide me with this prototype in time for the meet, so he went to vacation now.
But when he comes back, we have the material for a run of 10 faces, 3 are already gone in Amersfoort.

We will offer anodized in any color, black and clear will be faster cause this is common business, brushed and polished is possible, too. But i want to see examples first.

So what i want now from you is not an order, but a good feeling about quantities. Please reply with the finish you like, so i can do some calculation.
The price will be, hmm, 200 to 220 Euros with handle, buttons (clear and black) and a knob. (either like on the pic or like Tim's version for better grip)

(thanks, guys)
((no... look at andym's post for the pic...))

More detailed pics are on https://fotoalbum.web.de/gast/thgabel/newface_2nd_edition
Sorry for that weird album, i'll try to get a web-page up soon.

I'd like to get your feedback. But please don't hijack the thread for general CNC-machining discussions. Thanks a lot.


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