The installer was a pretty quick hack. The original release had many files and it would've been a pain to do by hand. As I was writing the installer, I was thinking there were many things that could go wrong... looks like you found a few

Creating fifo...mkfifo: cannot make fifo `/usr/local/ttsd': No such file or directory

I guess /usr/local doesn't exist by default... I'll have the installer check that first.

Installing /usr/local/bin/flite: No space left on device

The installer was written for 1.0a1 and hasn't been updated. Alpha 1 used the 8KHz version of flite and now it uses the 16KHz which is 2M larger. That's enough that it could squeeze by on the root partition before, but not anymore.

I'll have to change that to install on a music partition now. I remember another thread recently talking about a standardized use of directories and partitions on the player. Rather than add to the confusion, I'd like to have it default to installing in a standard place. Was there any consensus reached?

Personally, I'd choose to install everything in /usr/local with binaries in /usr/local/bin. If it doesn't exist, then create something on /drive0 (or 1) called usr_local and make /usr/local a symlink to it. Then installers for all these hacks and add-ons we have can install in /usr/local (creating a sub dir if they want, or just dropping a binary in /usr/local/bin). Users would be free to make /usr/local be a symlink to wherever they want and it's still easy for the developers to write installers. Sound reasonable?

Or maybe this has all been discussed before and I've just not kept up with the msg boards.
--The Amigo