I would strongly recommend contacting the corporate headquarters and asking for someone in "Loss Prevention." Those folks know that most loss in retail comes from employees and I am pretty sure they will take it seriously. I don't know anyone in loss prevention at Best Buy, but I know quite a few people in this field at other retailers and I know they'd be happy to speak to you if this had happened at one of their stores.

I live in Minneapolis, which is where Best Buy is headquartered, so I called them for you. The corporate loss prevention department advised that you call the district loss prevention manager (DLPM in Best Buy lingo).

I learned that your store is store #455, which you can mention.

The DLPM for store 455 is Monica Hubbard: 845-366-8300. Monica works for Phil Chacra, Regional Loss Prevention Manager. Phil can be reached at 516-832-3000.

I don't know if these people can authorize a refund for you, but if you can assist them in an investigation that shows wrong doing, I'm sure they will help you get your refund.

