It's funny Best Buy is brought up on the empeg forum....

my biggest pet peave about them is when going in with empeg under-arm and the guy at the door with the damn sticker gun perks up ready to slap one on my empeg. Sometimes I keep walking not even looking back with the guy trailing behind me till I get about 3 or 4 rows in, at which time he gives up either shrugging or throwing his hands up(I know this because my friends who usually come with me love this game and watch his reaction). Other times I just turn my empeg away from him and say "oh no you don't, they don't sell this here or anywhere else for that matter" while still continuing to walk away from him. That always seems to put them in their place.

I do this because the 1st time I went in there with the empeg I thought he was just gonna check it out to make sure it wasn't a product I was returning or somethin and got me with the damn sticker that I spent the next 10 minutes trying to peel off (they must purposely make the damn things fall apart when trying to peel off).
Mk2a 30GB Blue. Serial 030102999