I agree with TigerJimmy. It appears that this was a consenaual act. How could these two men be forced into treatment if they were only acting upon eachother in consent and not hurting others? The guy's neighbors seemed to think he was ok.

Now, let's take this a step to the right on the spectrum. What about homosexuality. I may think it's kinda gross for two men to have sex, but those two men may think it's perfectly ok. Hey, that's their thing, let them do it. They are doing it with consent and are not hurting others.

Push it further to the right. Maybe a gay man thinks it is gross that I'd have sex with a woman. Who's right and who's wrong now? Is the straight-male majority right? Is the non-canabalistic majority right?

See, ultimately, there is no right and wrong. A person has the right to impose their views on anyone else unless that person is being threatend. If I was worried of being eaten by my neighbor, I'd call on the law for help. If I was worried of being raped by my neighbor, I'd call on the law for help. But if a bunch of cult members want to catch a ride on comet Hale Bop by putting on black Nike shoes and killing themselves in a mansion in LA, then let them. (anyone remember that, by the way? 1996?) Who's to say they are wrong when they are only hurting themselves.

Please, prove me wrong. Someone find a scenario where hurting yourself is wrong. I've been looking for a long time.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set