> Maple Syrup - you're supposed to refridgerate it after opening. syrup can go bad

Hmm, I never have, and haven't had a problem. Cold Syrup is A) Cold, which sucks because I like a lot of it on my pancakes, which cool down fast enough as it is, and B) viscous as all hell, which makes it tough to get out.

As for the rest:
Ketchup - in (I too like the contrast of hot burgers and cold ketchup)
Butter - out, but not forever, even in my butter butler. I'll give it a week or two out before I start to get nervous about replacing it.

And Mayo and milk of course in and honey of course out, I doubt there is much disagreement with those.

Does anybody else put their bread in the fridge? I started doing it several years ago because it really does help with its lifespan, but I don't know anybody else who does.

Edited by ninti (09/01/2003 13:50)
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB