I'm also a native U.S. citizen. I lived for 3 months in Paris and 2 years in Belgium and have been to a lot of countries, if that is relevant.

I think our administration is making a lot of mistakes. I would have to agree in part with the Europeans, Bush IS a cowboy. I think it is fairly obvious that he didn't know much of anything about foreign politics when he took office. He has had to rely upon his advisors and he has either had bad advice or made poor decisions based upon their information. Bush has created a situation where we are going to have to go to war or face some serious consequences. I think that is a severe mistake and he has already significantly harmed our foreign interests with his warmongering. However, in the current situation, I think it is too late to pull back: we HAVE to go to war, even if Bush were to suddenly change his mind. It is idle fancy to consider what we should have done a year ago, since it is too late to change those mistakes.
