I've always thought "career politician" should be an oxymoron. Listening to someone oh like Jesse Ventura speak, its obvious he is not a political poitician. he speaks his mind, when and where he wants, not someones typed version of what is politically correct.

Well, I do appreciate that part of him. Too bad he's not sufficiently popular in Minnesota.

If only we could break the career politician cycle, get some normal human beings in those temporary jobs, you could almost call this democracy.

Yes, although I have always been suspicious of term-limits initiatives. I don't know why, but they always felt like a band-aid, not a fundamental solution. If someobody's doing a good job, I *want* them to stay on. Hmmm. Maybe if we had uniform, somewhat liberal term limits -- like 12 -16 years for Senate/Congress.

I highly doubt that out of 300 million americans GW was the best man for the job.

No argument there. Even adjusting for political philosophy, it would be nice to even come within spitting distance.

I got a question....
How scalable is our(us) system of govt? it already seems bloated and painfully in slow in accomplishing even basic tasks. How well will it work when theres a billion of us.

Huh. That's a question I don't think I've ever seen anybody ask: "How does this work when we are a billion?" Must it get worse? Dunno.

I get depressed that the American Revolution resides only in history books. Questions like yours don't get worked on. FWIW, my disagreement with conservatism and affinity for liberalism is that the latter (in theory!!) is more willing to pick up your question and work the problem. Ummmm, that is if they are not too busy mincing their words and trying to get elected.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.