Well, since the Empeg runs Linux, there's nothing to stop anyone from doing this. In fact, I've seen it done. Not as a Windows Networking client, but as a device driver which translates all of the hexadecimal-named music files into the actual song names and makes those visible over FTP. (Don't ask me where to get it, I only saw a screen shot and now I don't remember where it was from.)

At that point, you're replacing the Empeg's software with your own, and I don't think that Empeg can (or would even want to) get upset about it if you've done it. It's your right to run whatever software on that hard drive you want.

Now, whether or not the RIAA has a problem with this is another story altogether. But at that point, their beef is with you, not with Empeg.

Although, Kureg, if you write this as a Windows Networking client, I would love it. Please allow it to serve up regular files in addition to music files so that I can use the Empeg as a multimegabyte taxi disk. It'd save me having to burn multisession CD-R's to take between home and work.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris