Ok, but I see no difference in security between internet and WLAN. So I use WLAN even in my office but my access-point is behind a firewall, I can connect via ssh and tunnel anything I want, it's easy. I have to state that it's easy, because many people think that using a secure shell would be complicate. So if you want a secure local net and secure it with a firewall, why do other things in the WLAN? It's public, too.

So big and clear: WLAN, even with WEP 256bit is not secure!

It depends on you how much security is needed. And for all the security-freaks: Yes, nothing is _really_ secure, as we've seen it for openssl, but compare it with your door of your hose: Is it really secure or is it only so secure as you expect it to be?

best regards,

P.S.: There is much to talk about secureity, but it won't change anything. But if the empeg could get an sshd, I would be very happy. I never worte an sshd, I am unable to do it myself, but maybe I can do other neat things for the empeg.
For all who might expect an sshd in the next days: Don't expect, do yourself ;-).
Connecting Empeg via Bluetooth or Wireless LAN http://empeg.rowi.net
*** Proud owner of the European Worst Install Trophy 2003 ! ***