I seem to be in a minority here...

90% of my collection is what's commonly referred to as "classical" (we won't get into the actual definitions of Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Modern, etc. as pertain to "classical" music...)

I have a little bit of Rock music -- all of it Rush. I don't so much like their music as I like their sound -- the superb production (on the remasters) and the incredibly tight performance. I appreciate virtuosity in any genre. If you want to gain a real appreciation of Rush, ask Tony if he'll email you the extraordinary analysis he sent me of the song "YYZ".

I have some music whose sole purpose is to amaze any unfortunates I can drag into my car so I can impress them with my stereo: "Vegas" by Crystal Method (a techno CD) and a "Pure Moods" CD that has unusually rich spectral balance.

And of course my IASCA competition CD.

The rest is odds and ends -- the soundtrack from "Cats", the three Tom Lehrer comedy CDs, "West Side Story" soundtrack, and two CDs from the animated cartoon series "Animaniacs" that exhibit superb production and very clever songs.

Not nearly as eclectic as most collections, but then it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. (I'll bet I'm the oldest empeg buyer on the bbs -- can anybody top 55 years old?)


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"