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Do you have the directions for installing all the parts onto the board, the board on Brian's page is a little different then this one.

It was designed differently intentionally, not to make things difficult for anyone, but to avoid any conflicts with the copyright holders (Brian?) of the original design. No instructions yet. Hopefully we will get them up relatively soon. Until then, try this:

R1- 10K Ohm resistor
R2-R5 - 100 Ohm resistor
Q1- MMBT3906 PNP transistor
D1-D4- SMD White LEDs, notched half of the LED towards the pad with the "bar" in the silkscreen
PWR- +5 volts on Empeg
GND- Ground
SGL- Control signal for board. Brian gets it from the left lead of the top button LED of the illumination set up.

Hope this helps,
If you want it to break, buy Sony!