I like your e-mail better. More direct! I love the boys, but Tom (in particular) has this habit of talking out his butt on some serious issues.

I've often wondered whether complaining to the police, asking them to write tickets to people going too slow [in the left lane] as well as to people going too fast would accomplish anything. Probably not...

The bad situation here is complicated by bad traffic engineering -- left-hand exits. I doubt the State Patrol will ever get excited about it given that most of the left hand campers have their cruise controls set to the speed limit +/- 1 MPH. What legitimate need could I claim to pass them? I would (shock!!) be breaking the legal speed limit. Also given the tendency of everyone to slow to a crawl when a patrol car is spotted, the only way to catch someone would be with an unmarked car, I think...and then only egregious violators running below the speed limit. Cops, I think, spend time thinking about whether a particular ticket is a loser, court appearance-wise. STKR violations would be a bad bet.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.