Are you saying that in a truly random shuffle, that this behavior is still within the realm of statistical distribution?
I was going to say that it was, but I decided to write a program to try and prove it. Anyway, the program generates a random list of "songs" grouped by tens into albums. You can set the total number of tracks. It will then tell you how much "combing" it found within the sample by looking for songs on the same album that are 1 apart, 2 apart, 3 apart, etc. I also chopped the stats at the first 30, as this is where you'd normally perceive the problem. What I found is that the combing effect seems to be relatively low. Much lower than what I've seen on the Empeg.

As I conceived this test and coded it in under a half hour I'm not sure how accurate it is (or bug free). I'll have to take the weekend to think it over. Anyway, the program is attached if you care to look at it.

163899-RandomNumbers.exe (115 downloads)

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