I already have a licensed version of Jukebox. Seems like a good reason to start ripping those CDs!

It's actually a good thing to have your collection ready before the Empeg arrives on your doorstep. I spent a few months ripping my collection in anticipation of getting an Empeg. I was glad I did it.

Some tips:

- Make sure your tags are filled out on all your MP3s. If they're not, you have to enter the track data by hand in Emplode.
- Make sure they're regular ID3 tags. Emplode does not yet support the ID3v2 standard (as far as I know... Any word on this, Hugo?). This might be an option somewhere in your software.
- Make sure to fill out the "Year" field in the tags. I love being able to play all the songs from a given year on the Empeg.
- If you have any trouble getting accurate data for your tags (for example, if you are ripping a soundtrack album and you want to enter the original year and and album for a given song), look it up at www.allmusic.com. Their database is very comprehensive.
- Try to organize a directory structure on your PC's hard disk that mirrors (as close as possible) the playlists you intend to create in the Empeg. That way, your uploading process will be very simple when you get the Empeg.
- Make sure your USB and serial ports are working properly on the PC, and make sure you're running Win98 or Win2000. Nothing would be more disappointing than to get the Empeg and be unable to put your tunes into it because of Windows problems.

I assume the Brits are all at the pub already (those of us that aren't in the US!)

Actually, you'll notice that the Empeg folks will post to the BBS at very odd hours sometimes. I've seen Rob post to the BBS from home at 3am (UK time) before.

And we have pubs here in the US, too, I'll have you know. There's one right down the street from where I work called "Mad Dogs and Englishmen".

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris