Can, but in all honesty, probably won't. I have a top of the line a/v setup (52" projection TV, DVD, LD, CD, AC3, external DA converter, etc) and the 40 CDs are in a rack right next to it. I might use it at the office, though, but that'll be through small ear-plug headphones, which combined with office noise, and given I can't have it so loud that I can't hear the phone ring, it'll probably do.

I started ripping at fixed 128, then went to VBR 75% and am now down to VBR 50% and still can't tell the difference. The file sizes are good, and looking at the actual rates on VBR, I see everything from 192 (electronic trance with lots of precise high frequencies - little harmonics) down to 96 (acoustic guitar with background vocals).

You're saying that now:) but you'll use it indoors... I have a 200disc changer that I never use anymore; the empeg's just alot more effecient at swapping cd's (instant - in place of the 4-5 second pause most changers have..), and it's alot easier to use/control then disc changers; it's very easy to make playlists with the emplode software, something that's typically a pain to do on disk changers...

...proud to have one of the first Mark I units
_________________________ - clublife, revisited.