I'm not saying the way I got my cat is the best, but if it's good enough for the humane society, it's good enough for me.

My cat was adopted, but not with any of the procedures you mention. I'd like to think there aren't any sickos out there who enjoy hurting animals, but there are and I'd like to think there are ways of preventing that. Your process seems like it may be a bit much, though the part I'd be the most offended by is that you don't get to pick your own dog. That's ridiculous.

My mom took me to a humane society cat sale at our local library when I was little. Out of all the cats there, I'm willing to bet I got the sweetest one. She's never scratched a single person, she sits on any lap the instant it becomes available, and we've treated her very well. I'm also willing to bet she's the only cat who was in that room who is still alive 18 years later. I think she's about 19 now.

I wonder if the humane society regularly has sales like these in other places (are they in yours?). They're big in my area, possibly because their national headquarters are like 4 blocks away from where I work.

Anyway, enjoy your puppy!

ps- does anyone know what the deal is with Bob Barker and pets? What's with this crusade he's on?