I have no clue if thats really the case, it seems to be that way, being that when I look there are no great Danes with the Humane Society and over 90 with the placement group, same with the greyhounds. I know the greyhound groups work with certain racetracks and shelters. Which in general works fair enough for them. It seems logical that the humane society or other groups would work with other non profit organisations. I do know however that the Dane group isn't the only group that has excessively strict placement policies. But the groups claim these policies ensure a 99% no return rate on dogs.

Is what their doing wrong? No... It probably does ensure a good home with no returns. But there is no doubt in my mind that they'd place a lot more dogs if they dropped the insane requirements. I'm sure the Dane group really has the dog's best interest at heart.
Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's